Saturday, September 24, 2011

Super Sloppy

Once there was a little church on a hill. There were children and there was dancing. The songs in their heads were all that they had. There was joy and there was peace. Birds sang and the sun warmed their faces each day. Their clothes were worn, there were no rules to be followed, no rules to be broken.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

School has begun.

School has now begun, so has my busy life. It's funny, I complained about not having enough to do in the summer. School starting Tuesday was like a slap in the face. Journalism is one of the classes I'm taking this year. I'm really hoping I can improve my writing skills. On a completely different note, Our first swim meet was Tuesday against Mound/Westonka. We won.

Life is random...
"I wish I had cameras in my eyes" - Emma Rodelius